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Difference between Inverter and UPS


Inverters and UPS are used to support power supplies when there is power outage either from the Supply Authority or Generator House.
Typically, A UPS is a device that helps in keeping an electrical system for some minutes whenever there is power failure. It makes use of battery which helps to continue power when there is power outage.
While an inverter is an electronic gadgets which is used to supply power by converting the direct current of a battery into alternating current.
The major difference however between this two device is that, Inverter is not able to provide any supply but through DC source only.

In Inverter ,AC is converted into DC and then is used to charge the battery. When the power supply goes off, the relay triggers the switch from mains to inverter. It is the use of a sensor and a relay that is the main difference between a UPS and an inverter, otherwise the two are same. And the use of relay and sensor cause the time delay in power supply from an inverter.

*             The backup of UPS is very rapid which ensures no data loss or system crash.
The backup of INVERTER is not rapid and therefore can not be used where data loss is or system crash is unbearable.

*          In UPS you have a rectifier Circuit which converts the alternating current coming from the AC mains to the DC which goes directly to the battery. From the battery the DC is converted to the AC. A bypass circuit will regulate the power around. The AC will be 230v which can be used to power IT appliances like CPU,Monitor, printer, Laptop charging. 

When there is a power failure the UPS having a battery will not turn off the appliances directly but it will remain on for a short amount of time. This will help you turn off your application safely and there will be no loss of your data .UPS system are called dual or double conversion.

*     Inverter is a device which will convert the DC to AC. There is a battery which will give DC and with the help of the switches DC will be converted to AC. Inverters generally give square wave AC output.The Output can also be Sin wave or pulses of sin wave.The Inverters are available in different output AC voltage as per the requirement. Inverters are used at home to control the appliances.
*          Also, in UPS ,the main power comes to the UPS and is used to charge a battery inside. The output from the battery is fed into a sine wave inverter which converts DC into AC and feeds to the computer in case of a power failure. In such a scenario, the battery is stopped from charging and instantly starts to supply power to the computer.

*   UPS are more expensive due to its circuitry components.
Inverters are not expensive as compare to UPS.

*     UPS system commonly consists of three things i.e. rectifier/charger, Inverter and controller.
The inverter usually comprises of two things i.e. inverter and controller.

*    Based on usage UPS can be used for houses, offices, and commercial or for industrial use due to its double conversion system.
Whereas inverter can’t give better results in industrial or commercial use because it is unable to bear more load. It can be used for normal lighting at homes or offices.

In case of power cut ups have capability to provide power backup continuously.  
But in inverter when power outage occurs it actually takes some time to provide power backup.

Feel free to add to the difference between this two device. 


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